Ahinsa principles

Ahinsa is an old vedic term which can be translated or understood as "non-violence". It refers to a noble and responsible way of living and thinking.

Ahinsa Shoes are made following ahinsa principles:

1. SHOES DESIGNED BY PHYSIOTHERAPISTS – Ahinsa shoes® are designed directly by physiotherapists. Thanks to the special shape of these shoes and chosen of suitable materials, their wearing has a positive effect not only on the health of the whole locomotor system, but also on the individual organs, including the brain. The function of the Ahinsa shoes® was verified at Masaryk-University in Brno.

2. HAND PRODUCTION – Ahinsa shoes are handmade. Lierally every pair of hands in our company takes part in the production of every shoe. Thanks to this you get really high quality shoes that will last for years. It is worth waiting for our shoes.

3. HIGH QUALITY EUROPEAN MATERIALS – Our shoes are made from the highest quality materials produced and available in the European Union. They are materials with great wear- and abrasion-resistance, nonslip mixtures and colors that not fade. So that you know that we really stand by our materials and trust our suppliers, we have an official request for you. If anyone finds a better material suitable for shoe production on the European market than we use, he immediately gets one pair of shoes gratis from us! And not only that! Also our big Thank you, because we will receive another great material.

4. 100% VEGAN SHOES – Our shoes are not made from any animal material. Neither is their production linked to the suffering of animals or humans. We just use materials that have not been tested on animals. We only test new models on people and only with their consent. :)

5. RESPECT FOR NATURE  – We strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible. We have included secondary materials in our production. We also use pure natural materials (linen, hemp, cotton) and recycled materials. Our suppliers are also environmentally conscious.